Τρίτη 12 Φεβρουαρίου 2019

Further confirmation of second- and third-generation Eimeria necatrix merozoite DEGs using suppression subtractive hybridization


In our previous study, we obtained a large number of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) between second-generation merozoites (MZ-2) and third-generation merozoites (MZ-3) of Eimeria necatrix using RNA sequencing (RNA-seq). Here, we report two subtractive cDNA libraries for MZ2 (forward library) and MZ3 (reverse library) that were constructed using suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH). PCR amplification revealed that the MZ2 and MZ3 libraries contained approximately 96.7% and 95% recombinant clones, respectively, and the length of the inserted fragments ranged from 0.5 to 1.5 kb. A total of 106 and 111 unique sequences were obtained from the MZ2 and MZ3 libraries, respectively, and were assembled into 13 specific consensus sequences (contigs or genes) (5 from MZ2 and 8 from MZ3). The qRT-PCR results revealed that 11 out of 13 genes were differentially expressed between MZ-2 and MZ-3. Of 13 genes, 11 genes were found in both SSH and our RNA-seq data and displayed a similar expression trend between SSH and RNA-seq data, and the remaining 2 genes have not been reported in both E. necatrix genome and our RNA-seq data. Among the 11 genes, the expression trends of 8 genes were highly consistent between SSH and our RNA-seq data. These DEGs may provide specialized functions related to the life-cycle transitions of Eimeria species.


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