Τρίτη 12 Φεβρουαρίου 2019

Construction of solvable non-central potential using vector superpotential: a new approach


We introduce here vector superpotential which is useful to find general potential form using supersymmetric quantum mechanics (SUSY QM) approach. Using the vector superpotential, we reconstruct different solved central potentials and non-central shape variant or shape invariant potentials. To construct and reconstruct the central potentials and non-central potentials, appropriate choice of radial part of the superpotential as well as angular and azimuthal parts of the superpotential is required. Our main aim is to construct angular and azimuthal parts of potential directly from the appropriate choice of vector superpotential. We have reconstructed few potentials which are solved by different researchers using different methods of solution and also constructed new non-central potentials.


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